
“It’s a Blessing to be a Blessing”

This time of year, as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving with loved ones, it’s natural to take on an attitude of gratitude. We give thanks for blessings large and small – our health, our homes, our families . . . the smell of a pumpkin pie baking in the oven or the sound of a child’s giggle. Deep down, we know how important it is to count our blessings every day (research shows that our health depends on it, after all) but there’s something about this holiday that make us dig deeper, look farther and find more ways to demonstrate our gratefulness.

While things may still feel unsettled in this world, people are still connecting. We’re still being reminded of everything we have. And often those reminders come from perfect strangers who pick up our tab at the coffee shop or stop to help us change a tire on the side of a lonely road. Even routine conversations with others seem to have grown longer – the need to vent, share and talk through things together is stronger than ever.

At Splashlight, we are inspired by stories that show true humanity and gratitude all year long. One that we’re especially fond of is about a 12-year-old boy who was a Make-A-Wish recipient earlier this year due to having a potentially fatal blood disease. Rather than request a PlayStation or a trip to Disney World, young Abraham decided to give thanks for his bone marrow donor by passing his Make-A-Wish on to others. You have to read what he did!

Abraham’s message that “It’s a Blessing to be a Blessing,” is one we can (and should) remember. We hope you will take time this season – and always – to show gratitude for the many blessings you have, and always remember the Blessing that YOU ARE!

May you, your family, friends, and co-workers have a Safe, Healthy, and Happy Thanksgiving!

From all your friends at Splashlight

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